All Is Well That Ends Well?

Oh, first - taking a step back - you can drink in public here. Given this, and because we had to show up with some beers, we sort of got a head start on the way. Anyhow...
9:44pm (they do it early here): We arrive at the party, recognizing our work cohorts and sharing requisite hellos. There seem to be more girls than dudes which I note as a positive start. I drop my coat off in the back room and see that there is a sizable balcony with a heater outside. Great place for a party.
9:48: I drop my (remaining) beers off at the fridge and notice a huge bowl of unknown alcohol concoction (think citrus, and probably something you've seen projecting from your mouth after a college party). I take special note to avoid said unknown alcohol concoction (U.A.C.) and stick with my beer.
9:49: I begin chatting with the girls tending the U.A.C., and somehow wind up with a cup full. The girls seem nice and OK looking, but the night is young and I'm still feeling ambitious. I make rounds introducing myself to the other guests, and head outside to the patio to enjoy the backyard view - which elicits nostalgia for life on West 89th.
10:15: An American guy joins the balcony crowd and begins telling terrible, completely self-promotional, stories. Worse yet, he vacilates between an American and British accent. Huh? I have to get away from him, and, against my judgement, take solace in the bowl of U.A.C.
11 ish: One of the girls that had been tending the U.A.C., Tall Big-Boned Girl (T.B.B.G), comes over and begins chatting with me. I feign interest for a while but begin inadvertently looking around the room. We chat for a good 15-20 minutes. I consider heading outside to listen to AmeriBrit's stories but decide against it. We continue to talk, though I allow a bit of sarcasm to trickle into the conversation. I need another cup of U.A.C.
12 something: I've somehow pissed off T.B.B.G., and she - quite publicly - begins to tell me off. She makes references to my "trainers" (Saucony) and "jumper" (argyle - which I thought was ironic but now I'm not sure) coupled with some sort of "Who do you think you are?" accusations. I smile, not knowing how to react. She gets more angry. I'm confused.
1 something: At this point I've circled in on the 5 cool people at the party and sequestered myself accordingly. Unfortunately, T.B.B.G. is back on the prowl. I fear more harassment, but am wholly surprised. T.B.B.G. is apologizing, saying she was harsh and it's just that I must have said something and that we really should hang out and blah blah blah. What's going on?
Later: We're all hanging out in the back room as the party starts to thin out. Somehow I manage to rile up T.B.B.G. once again, and decide to spice things up further by telling her that I don't remember her name. This time T.B.B.G. makes me pay, dumping her cup of U.A.C. all over my head. She also gets the hostess' dress wet, inciting near girl-on-girl violence. I am surprised, but we've all already decided that T.B.B.G. must be crazy, so it's shaken off.
Yet Later: We depart the party and head outside to catch a cab. I even shake hands with T.B.B.G. to ensure our split is amicable. Weird party. After waving a cab down, we're caught off guard by the arrival of Louise, a really out of it drunk girl (R.O.O.I.D.G.). Louise half begs us to drop her off on the way home, and we oblige, if only for the entertainment.
Still Later: We're chatting with R.O.O.I.D.G. in the cab. She shares how she had been waiting for the bus for the last 40 minutes, but then she realized that the bus # she was looking for actually doesn't exist. We begin to laugh. The cab hits a sizeable bump, and R.O.O.I.D.G.'s head bangs against the car door with a thud. Somehow, she continues to speak with no audible pause. We begin laughing uncontrollably. Finally, we drop off R.O.O.I.D.G. (she didn't really know where she lived, either, but you get the point) and contemplate the likelihood that she has a concussion. She seems to be balancing OK, so we proceed.
And Finally Later: We sit down in a Chinatown restaurant for a 4am meal. Highlights of the evening are discussed, as is the feasibility of an underground rice distribution system across London's Chinatown. We agree, unanimously, that it must exist. We also realize that the guy (owner?) sitting adjacent to us has fallen asleep. From the layout in front of him he must have been balancing the books. One leg rests on the floor, while the other is propped on what appears to be a cash box (see photo above). Bizarro night comes to an end.
And there you have it. I'm hoping to give the locals another try next weekend.
From the sounds of it, you don't any of my alcohol. That's is quite an incredible night. Really, you could have transplanted it to NY and make me R.O.O.I.D.G. (G now Guy of course) and it would have been just like old times. Thanks for the laugh.
Wow, punch over the head? Even Erin Q. never did that to you.
That was hilarious. It's nice to know that even though you've left the country, things haven't changed a bit. Although I was waiting for the requisite, "And I ended up making out with this girl in the bathroom/backroom/hallway" story that never came.
there are certainly many familiarities in this story. the dumping of liquor on your head is a fun london twist though; nice work.
did you get a picture of tbbg?
Glad to see that your new environment hasn't impeded your ability to identify fat genes (see T.B.B.G.)...
Ah, you're all right - so many similarities. In New York, I would cast KV as R.O.O.I.D.G., and he would probably order the clams and the special. I'd probably be drinking Whiskey instead of the U.A.C., and Chrissy would probably be lurking in the corners to take advantage of me. Ha!
I did indeed receive pictures today of T.B.B.G., but was startled to find my arm around her? Uh....
International fat genes. At least no one was smoking rocks...
Here's a comments section game:
You can take Curt out of ______, but you can't take ______ out of Curt.
As all mothers know these stories are fabricated for the readers. My son is the Q.S.G.I.T.C.
(quiet,shy guy in the corner)
love ya kid and miss ya!
You can take Curt out of farmland, but you can't take the farm animals away from Curt...
(took some poetic license there)
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