
CityHangover GuestBlog, Vol I

Here's how it works - you visit, you blog. I provide complete editorial freedom (sort of like the Michigan Daily). Sharon leads us off.

'We Traveled Together'

Overwhelmed by this new acquisition of complete editorial freedom, I'm speechless. Almost. I feel my duty as the first-ever guest blogger is to provide all you future guest bloggers with a few tips on how to survive a week with Curt in London (and Spain).

Never Trust Curt's Map Skills: After arriving in London on an early Friday morning, I followed Curt's more than impressive PowerPoint map of the Underground and a zoomed-in view of his neighborhood with his apartment marked. Too bad the apartment address had the wrong street number. So there I stood on the street corner with my two heavy bags (filled with books, contacts, etc. per Curt's request) reading People magazine waiting for him to meet me. That point on I knew I'd be the point-person for all things direction related.

Murphy's Gonna Getcha Getcha: Saturday morning Curt and I headed to Sevilla (I studied there for 5 months so feel completely confident in using the Spanish name) to visit my youngest brother. After hurdling several obstacles to get to the train station (including station fires, closed Underground lines, and the like), we boarded a bus to take us to the airport. Too bad the coach driver missed the airport exit and had to drive an extra 30 minutes out of the way to the next turnaround. We arrived at the airport at the exact time our flight took off forcing us to purchase new tickets. Instead of a flight to Seville, the best we could get was to Malaga where we would then take a train to Sevilla. We finally checked in to the hotel after a 14 hour journey, and then proceeded to drink. Cheers to Murphy's Law.

Pack Lightly, But Not Too Lightly: Let us all learn a lesson from Curt's forgetfulness to pack underwear on our trip to Spain. Oops. Because every legitimate store in Sevilla is closed on Sunday, he finally located some at a Spanish-style flea market. He is now the proud owner of "Indero" boxers.

It's True: Brits Lack a Sense of Humor: Proceed with caution whilst at the passport control line at Gatwick airport. When asked by a passport control agent how much money I brought with me to England, I cheekily replied "Not Enough." Taking my comment seriously, he proceeded to interrogate me on how many credit cards I had, how much money I earned, who I was visiting, and what the nature of our relationship is. Next time, I'll remember to answer briefly and seriously.

Emily Post Would Be Proud: Despite his affinity for trips to the dark side and borderline cruel comments and lewd getures, Curt's a surprisingly great host. Not only is there an endless flow of snacks and drinks (alcohol, of course), he willingly gives up his bed for the Argos-purchased air mattress (bring D batteries as it's not plug-in style). And he even has 'Laguna Beach' on his iTunes just in case those crazy British shows don't do it for you. Most importantly, as a visitor, you get to blog. Who could ask for anything more?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since Curt is mostly female, it would prove correct that he would have no sense of direction. Granted, I am being sexist here, but everyone would agree.
It's Curt :)

3:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is Kate trying to say about Curt?????

8:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got Food? Eat, Eat, I'm guilty for teaching him that.

9:50 PM  
Blogger cjb said...

Ouch, KP! And in my defense, the directions were fine. I might even say flawless. It was the details that got a little transposed. Could have happened to anyone. Damn powerpoint.

Any future guests will receive the redlined version.

12:00 AM  
Blogger Ra_wiggum said...

Curt, can you pick me up a pair of Inderos?

If it makes you feel any better, Sarah forgets to pack underwear about 50% of the time she travels.

12:25 AM  
Blogger Joey said...

Whoop whoop!

You have Laguna Beach on iTunes? You're better than that...

6:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm... have you internalized the "whoop whoop," joey? I can't imagine that you were simply saying it to make fun of me, given that I haven't commented on this blog until now. ha!

and whatever! let curt watch laguna beach if he wants. it may not be a quality show, but trust me,it's addictive...

2:36 AM  
Blogger Joey said...

Whoop whoop is a movement, like the Dip Set. Wait, wrong blog for that...

6:32 PM  
Blogger Kiren said...

Or Dip In It.

Curt, you know I'm gonna say it.

"I don't want your fucking Coke!"


4:39 AM  
Blogger cjb said...

I never, um, said that.

9:12 AM  

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