Dos Chai Lattes, Por Favor

Just returned from a relaxing weekend in Seville, Spain. (You may know it as "Sevilla" if holding on to your halcyon days on study abroad.) Despite the infestation of American students (to be fair, we were visiting one), Seville provided a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of city life. We spent most of our weekend walking the city and dropping into cafes for drinks and tapas along the way.
All of this free time should have led to a host of profound thoughts, but, as it often does with my friends, instead resulted in endless fun at someone else's expense. This time around it was Jessica, a classic sorority girl transplanted straight from Jersey to wreak havoc on unsuspecting Spanish service workers. We were lucky to run into her at a Seville Starbucks. (Yes, Starbucks is omnipresent. Like NYC cockroaches.) Jessica insisted on applying her Jersey accent when speaking Spanish - which provided endless entertainment for the other patrons. The Spainiards in line actually started to make fun of her when she spoke, ordering quintessential American coffee drinks like Cappuccinos "Desnatadas" and Chai Lattes. Despite our own amateur Spanish language prowess, we joined in.
Rather than improve our own skills (like nunchuck skills, bowhunting skills...), we spent the rest of the weekend honing our SpanJersey accent - which meant we said things like "Sin Azucar" (without sugar) and "Cappuccinos Desnatadas" (Skim Cappucinos) repeatedly as obnoxious as possible. It proved quite fun.
Update: Stay tuned for Sharon's take on the weekend, courtesy of the CityHangover GuestBlog
Our (my?) caveman friend is visiting this weekend. We'll have to get the other Jessica on the phone or something.
i'm confused; do you know jessica?
have fun with the cro-mag joey. don't take him around any cute girls :)
My, My, My, I must stop at Starbucks and get a translation menu.. So that's why your blog was on hold, off getting new material. GOOD thinking..
Never told me you had a blog.. love it!
Thanks for the comments, people. From the looks of it, there are at least about 6 people who read this thing. I'm shooting for double digits!
I wouldn't say we "know" Jessica per se. We just happened to catch her name when she was ordering her cappuccino desnatada, etc. And Eric vaguely knows her from his study abroad program. Which means our jokes will definitely get back to her. Yes!
Never laughed more in my life, good times... P.S. Jessica wants meet you.
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