"I'll Cut You With Words"

I've since graduated from cartoons to useless teen dramas (The O.C., and quite possibly the best/worst show ever, North Shore) and predictable reality TV programming (Survivor, The Amazing Race, all things Real World, etc.). Lost is one of my only redeeming shows. There might even be bootleg copies of an Amazing Race application video out there with my name on it. Check eBay.
Fortunately, iTunes has allowed me to carry these poor TV habits with me into my new habitat. Tonight I watched the newest episode of The Office, followed up with yet another classic episode of The Gauntlet II. (Timmy referred to his team as "a bunch of drunk ferets", Syrus got beat down in the gauntlet, and Alton caught a case of bigtime beer goggles.) If Lost was actually ever on I would have caught up on that as well.
I've been a willing victim of the iPod halo effect for some time now, but I have to say that I've got Apple on a 52 week high for this isht.
Jodi is not a good look for anyone. And I really wanted Syrus to put a beatdown on Derek. Also, I don't really understand how Syrus is friends with Beth. What is that?
Are you guys serious?
Thanks to iTunes, I'm totally caught up with Lost now. The bad part is that for the first time in my life I have to watch Lost with commercials. It's not nearly as good with commercials.
In the past two weeks, at least three people I know has said in front of me, "I don't get her" and I quickly follow with "or her clothes." None of them get it.
The Gauntlet is one of the best shows on television, Kate. Don't get it twisted. Although I sometimes feel depressed and useless after watching it.
Syrus gained about 50 pounds since his Real World season 20 years ago. I guess I'd gain weight if I were friends with Beth too. She's one of the ugliest people I, uh, know.
Do you think Syrus has a job?
And Alton, who may just be the most likeable (only likable?) person on the cast, needs to get it together. That chick is nasty.
I can't believe I just wrote that much about the Gauntlet. I need to evaluate my life.
brent watches "all things real world," just like you and joey. i stopped watching after jamie put two and two together and realized frankie was a cutter.
i love lost on itunes. it allowed me to watch the grammys on wednesday. i do wish it was available immediately after the show though.
Wait, wait, wait -- do you two think Jodi is physically unattractive or are you just repulsed by her total inability to not hook up with a guy from every season of Real World or Road Rules? I'm not fond of her, but she isn't ugly...
Uh, don't mind me. Ever since New Years, I get the feeling that the half-Asian thinks I'm a bit misogynistic since I didn't take great offense every time someone punctuated a sentence with the word bitch. I'm now overcompensating by jumping to the defense of any and all women.
And the bigger mystery to me is whether Mark has a job. Seriously, he was on MTV a decade before Syrus and he's pretty much done every single challenge. How is that possible?
Wow, I just shredded every bit of dignity I had with this comment.
Um, Jodi is physically unattractive. As for Mark - you've got a point. Remember when he celebrated his birthday on the show and said he was "thirty-ish" - I've got my money on him being well into his mid-thirties.
And Kimmy, I didn't know Brent watched this stuff. Reason #34892 that you need to bring him to the Labor Day tailgate. Don't punk us.
Forgot to ask. Is the half-asian still doing the hobbit?
Yup, she is -- they talk all the time and she's going up to New York over spring break.
of course brent is coming to the tailgate. there was never any question.
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