The British Are Coming

First my hometown (and by hometown, I mean nearest city I never went to growing up in fear of being robbed, or worse yet, depressed) loses the dubious distinction of being America's fattest city, and now this? Get back to eating, folks.
No shit! Milwaukee is in the top 25 fittest. That must be a typo. Wisconsin is full of fat people. I KNOW THIS to be true.
uh the cops cause curt's making the british chics cry!!!
Which reminds me of another teary night originating at 933 State Street....I really did think I had matured. False alarm?
And KP - When I was in Madison being tortured by Lloyd Carr last year (and, of course, celebrating what I believe was your birthday?), I saw my fair share of fit ladies. Then again, everyone seemed to be riding mopeds that weekend, so maybe they've since packed on the pounds?
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