Week(end) in Review

The emergency phone in my building's elevator can be used for much more than emergencies:For the past few months, I've never thought to try to make a call on the elevator phone, assuming it was a direct line to the London Fire Department or some isht. Sarah took it upon herself to test this assumption after being out one night, and, well, let's just say I have a new (free) means to keep in touch with family and friends in the states. I'll keep you posted on the inevitable tenant letter detailing charges to Michigan and New York.
The ladies at work apparently think I'm "eye candy": There have been a few rumors about this emanating from the States, but evidently I've got a bit more opportunity here than I realized. Woo hoo! Just when I thought I'd be chang-ing bics for the rest of the Summer, Tim brought me back to reality by suggesting that "There must be no other single men in London". Thanks, man.
There is Karaoke in London after all: You just have to search for it (which for us entailed asking a bunch of randoms in the streets). Unfortunately the selection was quite limited, and the MC curiously shut down additional requests just after Sarah and I had warmed up the crowd with Stevie Wonder's "I Just Called to Say I Love You". Coincidence? After we butchered the high notes at the end, I think not. Bastard.
I've become a bit obsessive about cleanliness: I'm placing blame on this one. First, I spent a good two years living with an obsessive compulsive roommate of Danny Tanner proportions. (No offense, Joey). Second, my visitors were a bit sloth-like when it came to keeping the apartment clean. (To their credit, they were relegated to sleep in my small living room). At one point I scolded them about how often we were repeatedly losing the TV remote, cell phone, and keys amongst the squalor. However, they weren't deterred, and instead just started calling me "Dad" and repeating my comment - "This is how things get lost!" for the rest of the weekend. Sorry guys...
Guestblog entry (and, now that I think of it, likely revenge) from Tim on it's way as soon as he gets his act together.
The obvious subsequent question to you being eye candy is whether there is any eye candy of the female persuasion for you to take advantage of (and I don't mean that in a groping, sexual assault type of way).
He means it in a "violating the sanctity of the hallway" kind of way. It's been known to happen...
Based on our interactions with the London office, there is no eye candy of the female variety, but there is "tasty" candy of the male sort, further perplexing Tim and me.
They must not be as charming as Curt, though...
"Dad," I wasn't going to go here, but (1) I need to back up my last statement, and (2) you brought up our squalor, so it's fair game. Curt's "charm" goes something like this: The weekend before we arrived, he apparently told a girl at the bar that she "looks like she has cancer," then curiously proceeded to make out with her. Ha! How can they resist it?!
I love it! I can't wait to arrive.
curt, you have such a knack for making unbelievably inappropriate comments.
Uh. It's a gift. What can I say? And she did look like she had cancer. I'm just sayin.
Shoopie, it's on. Watch your back!
Curtis- I met a cute Asian girl last weekend and our conversation somehow devolved into me telling her the cancer girl story. Apparently, the reverse charm even works when used second-hand, so you've got a guaranteed date lined up when you get back.
Curt, why don't you just go to the "Make a Wish Foundation" and try to pick up there, it would be a goldmine for you. Plus, aren't they all under 16?
Yes, I did go there.
Curt, here you go. Go nuts.
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