And I Thought the French Liked Us...
There are a few things that have become blatantly clear in the last few years when it comes to U.S. international relations with Europe. The first is that Britain Labour prime minister Tony Blair is at the unfortunate risk of leaving a legacy as George Bush's "poodle" in his final days, and the second is that the French sip haterade when it comes to anything even slightly American. But who knew hateration could be this fun?
Read recently in The Guardian:
Uh, yeah. A perfect way to change our perception of French commerce. Just duplicate what may be the most innovative organization in the world. That should be easy.
Read recently in The Guardian:
The French president, Jacques Chirac, yesterday unveiled what he hopes will be his great legacy to France's struggle against the global dominance of the US: a series of technological projects including a European search engine to rival Google.
Mr Chirac, who walked out of an EU summit last month when a fellow Frenchman committed the grave offence of speaking English, styles himself as the defender of France in the globalised world.
Uh, yeah. A perfect way to change our perception of French commerce. Just duplicate what may be the most innovative organization in the world. That should be easy.
the French do like us the McFrench introduced us to French Fries.
I think I speak for the entire blogosphere when I say welcome back, Aunt R! Your comments have been missed.
Yeah, where you been at, r?
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