
CNN Breaking...News?

I caught this on CNN today. Essentially, dude has conducted a study suggesting that the British are more healthy than Americans, even though we spend more than double per capita on health care. Interesting. But check out the video for some hidden treasures. My favorites:

-The CNN interviewer struggling to decide what to call people from England. She settles on "Britains". Hilarious.
-The 30 second obesity discussion, wherein they show a gazillion clips of really fat people's asses at what appears to be a McDonalds. U.S.A.!
-The general condescension of the (British) scientist. He gets some good jibes in (we all carry guns, we're rich bastards, etc.) and suggests that a nationwide gut check is in order.

Is it me, or has CNN really embraced this whole "non-news" as news phenomenon?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw that clip, I noticed that the Brits were walking on a crowed street and the Americans were just walking out of a fastfood joint with their lycra pants stretched to the limit carrying their super-sized for 39 cents more transfat loaded lunch. after which they finished their hour off work with a nice filtered Marlboro. Then jumps in the car to head back to sit at a desk until dinner time and do it all over again. Maybe with the price of gas we Americans might have to order off the $ menu

12:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, every time i shop at H&M, i decide that europeans(and curt) are definitely skinnier than I since even the XL coat is too tight on my stomach...

btw, the egg mcmuffin and hash browns i had for breakfast rocked!

3:00 PM  
Blogger Kiren said...

I went shopping at H&M this weekend and appalled that I had to get 34 waist pair of jeans I asked one of the store clerks, "Hey, are do your sizes fit smaller or something?" And she looked at me up and down and said, "No, Americans are just fat." I was confused because she was American and fat. It was also my first and last time shopping at H&M until I lose my beer gut.

The Quarter Pounder with Cheese meal washed down with three PBRs probably didn't help my shopping venture either.

7:25 PM  

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