Hail to the Victors

Late last week The Best University Ever (coincidentally my alma mater) saw its Board of Regents approve a $226 million plan to renovate a stadium that I've had the benefit of visiting 28 times. Although many football purists argued that the U should continue to deliver a gameday experience more fitting for its "rival" up north (e.g. long lines at concessions, a 1:10,000 toilet to fan ratio, etc.), I fully support the renovation plan.
The most controversial component seems to be the addition of luxury boxes on both the east and west sidelines. To be honest (and when aren't I?), I think this "controversy" reeks of ignorance. I've been to my fair share of away games at institutions that would willingly bear Tom Cruise's demon spawn to be considered the "Leaders and Best", and have been disappointed to find these competing facilities to be far superior to our own. To those against the full stadium renovation plan, I say go to Eugene, or Madison, and tell me you don't believe Michigan needs to make some changes. Hell, go to South Bend (admittedly, I never thought I'd write that) even!
I've had a long day of hateration at work, so check out Schembechler Hall for more insight into why these yahoos are so far off base. For my part, I'd like to remind us alumni (and most of you are) why our kids, and their kids, are going to want to go to Michigan. Even if we have to pay out of state, or worse yet, international tuition:
First rate Michigan Difference video here:

More well known (and kick ass) spot here
Go Blue!
Whoa, good find with the Michigan Difference video. I thought Campbell-Ewald wasn't letting it out. I wish I could find the longer one.
seriously. please find the long one; the music is much better.
will you guys call me from the elevator phone this weekend?
I didn't realize there was a longer version. I guess not living in Michigan is finally catching up with me. Help a brother out.
And Kimmy - congrats on the new job, you deserve it.
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