
Am I Making Myself Clear?

I've noted the direct nature of English PSAs before, but nothing beats their approach to warnings on cigarette packages. Consider the picture to the right compared to these (relatively) weak words of wisdom from the U.S. Surgeon General:

"Cigarette Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide."

"Smoking by Pregnant Women May Result in Fetal Injury, Premature Birth, and Low Birth Weight."

"Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health."

Carbon Monoxide? As a warning? I'd bet half of America thinks the Dentist uses Carbon Monoxide as an anesthetic when filling their cavities.

Although there's little evidence that cigarette warnings are effective - and in my experience far more people smoke in London than New York - you have to give the Brits a high five for trying.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

curtis! I can't believe you posted this without consulting your friend who works for big tobacco! AND I can't believe you're smoking Menthol....

There is no safe cigarette....


4:05 PM  
Blogger cjb said...

Nice. And good to see that you found your way to CityHangover. I appreciate the warning, although I'm afraid to click on the Philip Morris link as it may just be a trap to get me addicted...

As for the menthols - I just say no. Those were a friends!

10:09 PM  

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