Week(end) in Review

Before we look forward, let's look back to address the
1.) Where have you been? Working too late, staying out too late, and generally "burning the candle at both ends", as my Mom would say.
2.) Are you dead? See #1.
3.) Are you still "hungover"? Does the sun rise in the east and set in the west? Did Yoko Ono ruin the Beatles? Did Lance Armstrong use steroids in winning the Tour de France? In the last week alone, I've managed to close down a pub "whilst" serenading a friend with "You've Lost that Lovin' Feeling" for her birthday (her request, not mine), rediscovered my love affair with hefeweizen at an outdoor beer garden, and downed double caipirinhas at a traditional Brazilian churrascaria.
4.) When are you paying me back that $100 I loaned you? That's enough questions for today, class.
So stay tuned. This week will (hopefully) allow me to capture some of my final thoughts on my time in London before heading out on vacation, and ultimately back to New York, at the end of the month.
What kind of ghetto shit is this? Oh sorry, I mean what kind of ghetto ISHT is this?! This blog has turned into a site for generic weekly posts designed to replace email replies? That's it, now I'm officially only reading for the Shoople comments. Seriously, Shoople, did anyone just get cable TV in Northern Michigan?
Nobody yet, son, but that's only because my dad has just begun construction of the 80-foot metal pole in our front yard that will yield cable services previously just dreamt of by my family and several others in the neighborhood that my dad has seen the opportunity to "capitalize upon." (When did my dad start speaking like this, by the way?)
PS: Uploaded "Chendy" pics this week. Will send the link to what should go down in history as the greatest Ofoto album EVER shortly.
And amen, Gupta, for callin' this ISHT out.
For the love of God. Does 1 (or maybe 2, or 3...) lackadaisical weekend post merit a melee in the comments section? I'll do better next time team. I promise.
Since this website is really just a chance for Shoople to upstage me in both content (really though, I can't beat Chendy and an 80 ft. metal pole) and general wittiness, maybe we should forego Ofoto altogether and post these mothers directly to CityHangover. We could even start a new weekend posting schedule aimed at cataloging Straight Bangin's downward spiral into Herpes dementia.
I have had Directv for 7 years here in Northern Mi... Thank Heaven for that, since I have to hear the same local news for 2 or 3 days until some trunk slammer from lower Mi comes here and does something stupid that will be news worthy. However, since CJB will be arriving next month I think that will be all I hear for days. He is the National Geographical in our life for sure. We are one rocker from a Cracker Barrel porch up here. Not to be an embarrassement to Mr. GQ. We do love our Curt.
Thank you for giving me something to read. We only get our newspaper once week.
Glad to see you had a few minutes to catch us up.
Take a break will you.
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