Learn Something

In what can only be seen as further proof that I need to pony up for Sky TV ASAP, I found myself completely absorbed in Seduction School: Size Doesn't Matter tonight on ITV. The show's aim, quite shamelessly, was to teach three men how to pull despite their body insecurities (the voiceover hilariously referred to them as "three mishapen men" - one tall, one with rickets (yes!), and a token big guy).
Some key takeaways from the life coaches, er, "Seduction Gurus":
-First comes the "approach". Nothing ground breaking here - mostly a cold call approach to introducing oneself to hot mamas.
-Then comes the S.O.I., or "statement of intent". From what I saw, this means getting really close to the girl and telling her she looks sexy. Noted.
-The final step is the "close". There appear to be a number of different levels here, including passing your cell phone to the girl so she can enter her number (technology, the great enabler) or asking her to close her eyes so you can go in for the kiss (a bit cliche?).
I took mad notes. Although I think I'm sticking to booze.
I fully read that book "The Game" all about the whole seduction community and those dudes whose lives are acronyms and business analogies about closing deals to score some broads.
Even knowing the inside tricks of the trade, I find it absolutely impossible to resist such smoothness. Making me particularly weak in the knees included "want to just see this playlist I made on WinAmp?" followed by an intricately choreographed dance that ends with - what else? - the studly stallion boning the unassuming ho.
And they say romance is dead.
Em- your shifting use of first person and third person in that comment has me absolutely confused!
ps...I have made a mental note of that WinAmp line. It's perfect, none of the pretention of iTunes, without the embarrassing lameness of a mix tape.
Oh my god, I'm such an incomprehensible idiot. I hate myself.
But, on the upside, I did provide you with a killer line. Cultural relevance be damned...WinAmp is still cool...right?
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