Best. Haircut. Ever.

Tonight I was given a sign that God does indeed exist (and that he's aight with all past and future church sign renderings). During what has become a requisite post pub Macker's stop, I was blessed with one of my best Euro haircut sightings to date - which I can only describe as some type of euromullet/tail hybrid (click on the photos above for life size evidence). Amazing!
I've made a note to stop at Supercuts tomorrow to inquire about how I might shift my current euromullet growth trajectory to incorporate a tail. I'll let you know how it goes.
(Did I mention that I faintly remember having a "tail" haircut as a child? I also allegedly wore bolo ties on special occasions - which, according to its Wiki, is the official neckwear of Arizona.)
dude, i say gangster at the dog track had a better haircut
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