CityHangover Blog Circus

1.) tay loves you to death (literally)
Author: Tay kay. She's in love, has feelings, and is "over emotional but not emo."
Subject Matter: High School stream of consciousness
Recent Blog Brilliance: "I saw Blayr today, and BTW I havent seen her in about 4 months or so. And her birthday is coming up.. so I had a flower and I gave it to her. Well, first off, she rolls her eyes at me when I walk out of Fulmore. Then, right as she is leaving, she throws the flower on the ground and smashes it. I dont know if she is mad at me..?
Blog Roll? Uh, No. But I am curious about what's going on with Blayr.
2.)Bush Plays Politics with 9/11
Author: LAGARESH. He's "a proud of American". What?
Subject Matter: Anti-Bush musing(s) - it appears he's pasting in the same post over and over?
Recent Blog Brilliance: "Although I did not listen to the President’s speech on September 11, 200 celebration read it online the next morning. I can say that I was very surprise to hear the President making basically a political speech for the sole purpose of saving the Republican party mid-term election coming this November."
Blog Roll? Doesn't really fit in with my subject matter (although W. did have a drinking problem, right?). That said, E.S.L. has never been so clear man!
Skip: The Idealistic Philosopher. Ahh, such a typical New Yorker. Quotes Myers-Briggs result, boasting that her classification (the blog's name) constitutes "only 3% of the population". Remaining 97% puke in their mouths.
3.) Running With Scissors
Author: A "Strange Bird" who was "raised by a cup of coffee". Witty.
Subject Matter: Her boyfriend. Her grad school (?) apps? Hmm, less witty.
Recent Blog Brilliance: "So I am reading this book called "Passionate Marriage" by David Schnarch. It's actually one of the textbooks for #1's couples therapy class, but since I insisted so strongly on borrowing it from him when the class is over (it was recommended to me by a friend some time ago), he bought me my own copy so we can read it "together" (or at least, at the same time). READ THIS BOOK! I'm barely into it yet but I'm already moved... this may be because it mirrors the growth and progress I am seeing in myself as of late, but it may also be because it is true."
Blog Roll? If I ever sound like this, put me out of my misery.