Sorry for the length, but it’s been a bit of a week.
Here in the realm of City Hangover, bender weeks are typically welcomed with the pomp and circumstance expected of such a namesake event. After seeing four straight “1 beer” nights turn into far more, however, I’m beginning to rethink my position. (Alright. A few of those nights were destined to be something more like 10 beer nights, but still.) This week has run the gamut with team drinks, friend’s birthdays, and the much heralded arrival of my little sister to Londontown. What’s a man to do?
Things began innocently enough on Tuesday night at our post-work pub. I shared some QT with San Miguel (underrated, that San Miguel), and then later at my (oft blogged about) local Mexican restaurant with my new roommate and the Mexican kitchen staff. Yeah,
that roommate. I also finally took the opportunity to test my drunk Spanish skills with the guys at the restaurant. It was a hit! Or so I’d like to think.
Wednesday brought the celebration of yet another friend becoming nearly as old as I am (always worth celebrating). We graced the same local pub with our presence, but this time upped the ante with a night dominated by shots and a myriad of sappy and sarcastic toasts. Birthdays are a great time to showcase ones ability to make ridiculous statements while holding a drink in the air. Unfortunately, I was given a bit of a birthday surprise of my own about halfway through the night. The birthday girl and another friend had actually stumbled upon this website a few weeks back from a Google search gone bad (all those
“Fernando Torres mullet” searches are starting to make sense), and decided it was time to out me as the hipster blogger I aspire to be. What a generous gift. My immediate reaction must have read something like this:
“Uhhh…hmmm. Interesting.”
Gauges if he’s pissed them off with any of his posts“What did you think?”
Pauses as part of a lifelong search for approval“Oh, you liked it?! I’m glad!”
Proceeds to bar for a few shots of his own, just in caseFortunately, they were cool about it and seem to be enjoying my take on London and my other travels. Whew. A close call indeed. But if I thought that was traumatic, I had no idea what was in store for the end of my week.
Thursday was advertised ominously as “Team dinner and drinks” night with my new team from the office. The night exceeded my typical free drinks expectations, although I’m not sure I’ll be asked to any future team drinks nights with these co-workers. My greatest accomplishment of the night had to have been of the “side-cup” variety, as I was able to convince the group that any purchase of shots must be accompanied by a round of B.A.U. drinks, effectively doubling everyone’s alcohol intake for the night. And yes, things got a bit messy. Let me elaborate. I discovered that one of my co-workers’ girlfriends recently had DD breast implants (and, of course, proceeded to make lewd comments about it all night), might have shared a questionably long hug/kiss on the cheek (with a bit of lip coverage) with a menopausal woman on the team, and woke up to find the breast implant guy on my couch (he lives out of town). To make matters more hilarious, my laptop was tuned into his girlfriend’s MySpace page. Evidently I've become
one of those types.
Friday brought the arrival of my little sister into town, and signaled the proximity of my first true vacation all year. Before heading out to Italy on Saturday morning we grabbed a few beers with some friends at, you guessed it, that same local pub. I only had a few this time out as I hadn’t packed and still had some work to do before leaving town, but my sister had what I now recognize as different intentions altogether. She convinced me to let her go out with my roommate as her chaperone, and I hesitantly obliged. Hindsight, as they say, is 20/20.
I spent Friday night/Saturday morning packing and working on my laptop, walking to the office at 5am (curiously closed) and 7am (fortunately open, lest I throw a rock through the glass doors) to login, and generally hating my life. My sister returned around 2am and went directly to sleep. Safe and sound. Great.
Or not. Although we managed to catch our 9am car to the evil Stanstead Airport on Saturday morning, something just wasn’t right with Lil’ Sis. With a bit of prodding, I discovered that she was seen
kissing one of my co-workers at the bar the prior evening. What?! I’m still working through my issues with this (which will magnify substantially when I return to the office next Monday), and am vacillating between calling a hit out on her (
Godfather style) or excommunicating her (Catholic style – we are going to the Vatican, after all) for the shame she’s brought to the family. Kids today.
Anyway, I’m off to Italy to spend some quality time with my double-crossing sister, hopefully detox a bit, and relax over some good wine (we’re defining detox loosely here, right?). Expect to see some posts from Italy, as I’ve packed along my trusted laptop. What a hipster blogger.